Digital Organizer, SisterSong, National Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective
LaKia Williams (she/her) is a young reproductive justice (RJ) organizer with experience in contraceptive equity, RJ program development and implementation, social justice trainings, and podcast production. LaKia is the creator and host of a podcast that centers reproductive justice and activism, called Black Feminist Rants.
She is also the digital organizer for SisterSong, the National Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, as well as the communications and outreach coordinator for the Reproductive Justice Action Collective based in New Orleans. In addition to her jobs, LaKia is a college senior studying Neuroscience, and the founder and coordinator of a program that provides free sexual health supplies, including emergency contraception, to college students in uptown New Orleans. LaKia is also a former fellow of the Reproductive Rights Activist Service Corps (RRASC) of the Civil Liberties and Public Policy (CLPP), and a current student activist in the Advocates for Youth Young Women of Color for Reproductive Justice cohort.